Purchasing a whole, half or quarter animal is a cost effective way of filling your freezer with healthy, top quality bison meat. We suggest 5-6 cu feet will hold a quarter bison.
When you purchase a half or a whole bison, you will have the choice of how you would like your animal cut and how you would like it packaged. Do you use a lot of ground meat? Perhaps you love steaks and roasts. We can help you decide how to cut your bison to utilize it the way YOUR family cooks.You will also receive custom packaging in the size that works for you. A quarter bison will be a combination of front and hind end, vacuum sealed and with our basic cutting instructions (An assortment of steaks, roasts & ground bison)
. We are happy to walk you through your choices if this is a new experience.
If you order a quarter bison, it will arrive vacuum packaged. Half and whole bison are wrapped in brown freezer paper with the option to vacuum package for additional $0.15/lb HHW charge.
Strohschein Farms charges $7.10/lb HHW for brown wrapped half and whole bison and $7.50/lb HHW for vacuum sealed quarter bison. These prices include basic cut & wrap and are based off of the Hot Hanging Weight (HHW) the processor takes.You can expect to get back 60% of this weight in boneless meat. An approximate cost of a quarter bison will be $1150-$1200 and a half $2100-$2300. Contact us to secure your quarter, half or whole.
Here's a great link to read if purchasing bulk interests you